This article reminded me strongly of a quote from CS Lewis, who said something to the effect of: if you're on a road that goes over the edge of a cliff, the most 'progressive' person on that road is the one who first turns back the way he came from.

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"Russian progressive intellectuals tell us: Russia is at the tail end of progress."

But really who cares. I see it as a compliment. Resistance to modernism and its antiquated notion of progress lives on at the apparent end of the "tail". The tail of the serpent about to be sluffed off as the skin is shed. Finding Dugin more relevant that Michel Foucault is a sin of sorts in our global lockdown. Unfortunately Russian liberal intellectuals share one trait with their American counterparts and that is a hubris emanating from the nether reaches of human anatomy. Let us all have a good cry about NATO or the ghouls in the Ukraine but let us not look up long enough to see the tidal wave brewing in the collapse of corporate theology.

Hooray for the end of progress and quit feeling self conscious about it. The Fourth Reich is flourishing in the EU but is that news. The oligarchs are winning in the courts of lawfare but what are they winning?My friend your most elegant essay should be read by every thinking citizen before they gag on the stale fruits of the garden we have planted. I've written about the curse of modernism for years.

Yet here we are in the same boat as Russia who has craved modernism only to find out it is a Siberian sinkhole.

However, we pay for an education. Russia is new to the game of technological society despite futurism and the space program. Here in America we are sated by it. Stuffed to overflowing. Bloated to the point of exploding with gadgets and media. We are prodded and meddled with by anyone with a billion dollars to donate.

So you think you are in a "...Hieronymus Bosch-style hell..." No my friend you are at the gateway to something miraculous.

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