This is an insightful but quite discouraging piece.

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Yes, one can feel the closing off of neutral spaces "outside the leviathans" picking up pace each day. Particularly, at least in my estimation, in the West.

I'm often struck by the contrast between the exploratory openness and optimism that currently seems to characterise relations within the Global South, and the rising defensiveness, intolerance and barely contained anger in the West. Preventing the Leviathans from destroying each other is indeed the primary immediate task.

Thanks for the link to your old article in TAC. Must have been a helluva conference . . . it presaged so much that has since become achingly visible, and the analysis and proposed solutions seem if anything even more relevant today.

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"Finding a neutral space located 'outside of the Leviathans'", seem impossible these days. The voices that spoke out about this problem have passed, and those who currently do so are marginalized or silenced. I fear we are heading toward a whiplashing, gut-wrenching swerve into Darkness.

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